The relationship that I have with my city is as varied as tumultuous thunder, a silent snow, and the warm sun as my toes pull at grass in the park. On any given day, I meet new people and experience growing subcultures in food, art, music, and even sports.
As a person dedicated to experiencing the city and its branches, I have yet to discover or even fully understand the seduction of Denver. Sounds weird to say out loud, but it's important to understand that what our city is right now, it will never be again. There is a constant and rapid evolution that has swarmed the 303. Landmarks are torn down; new structures are built. Original Elitch Gardens is all but gone, while the Cyclone and Chipmunk at Lakeside are held together with paint. Urban legends are created and ghost stories are told in our old houses and diagonal streets.
In the last decade Denver grew by over 100,000 people and now it's estimated that it will grow by another 40k per year. I am native to Colorado and I am happy to share my 300 days of sunshine, mixed with snow. As the city continues to balloon, it daily becomes more expensive to stay. It's somewhat ironic that the artists, musicians, and performers that have made Denver the creative mecca that I know and love, are financially being pushed out of the city that they helped to create. Rent in desirable areas has doubled, painfully so, for most.
The bright stars in this, though, are the creative entrepreneurs that saw gold and started digging. I don't mean this in the greedy sense, but as one once in a desert and having now discovered a well.
I understand that this kind of change is happening all over the United States. I'm not concerned with the changing tapestry of Denver in that I know new things are being created. I am excited for what is yet to come. I may be temporarily be saddened, but like summer gives way to fall, I know that spring is just around the corner.
I understand that this kind of change is happening all over the United States. I'm not concerned with the changing tapestry of Denver in that I know new things are being created. I am excited for what is yet to come. I may be temporarily be saddened, but like summer gives way to fall, I know that spring is just around the corner.
In the meantime, Denver is still the place where you can see a good show by a band you have never heard of and have the most amazing night. It's still the place where the DJs will have a conversation with you about landscaping, pizza, and zombies. It's still the place where artists are king for at least one day a month. And it's still a place where you can find great food and green chili and beer are acceptable at almost any meal.