For those who are unaware (as I was), the little x at the end of TED just means that the event was independently produced and that a group had gotten a TED license. Most TED talks have a theme of some sort and the one that I saw was called Discovery and Wonder. The event ran from 5-9pm and I was transfixed the entire time. I learned about Moon Rocks discovered in Antarctica, the special kind of heartbreak that comes from losing, How water could equal peace, Bacteria (! ...so much to think about here), and finding empathy in clutter. The four hour event had an intermission where they served a light salad sourced by the Boulder Farmer's Market.
The best thing about this event is the hunger that I left with wanting to hear and see more. My curiosity was piqued about subjects that I didn't even know existed. Furthermore, the speakers were all local and all apart of the Colorado community. I truly can't wait for the next event to come.
There are a few TEDx communities in Colorado -
I don't have access to any videos from last night's event, but below are a couple of fascinating ones from previous years.